Expansion of WFNMB
One of the first intentions is to expand WFNMB and more members should be joining the Federation. For countries with a small and struggling Nuclear Medicine community with not much financial background the member fees would be waved. It is very important that all the countries should be member of the Federation and with the principle one country one vote to have the possibility to shape the policy regarding Nuclear Medicine around the world. In that case WFNMB will be able to help with expertise in the implementation and development of Nuclear Medicine in their countries.
Connection to other Nuclear Medicine Societies
All the Geographical Regional Societies are part of the Governing Body of WFNMB. The Federation should be act more strongly as an, unifying umbrella organisation to be able to coordinate activities around the world to all the geographical regional societies with the scope to promote Nuclear Medicine. It could be good if appropriate activities, from local or geographic regional societies, should be under the auspices of the WFNMB and should be promoted from the Federation through our web site and social media.
World Health Organization
The acceptance of the Federation as non-state actor in year 2019 was a big achievement. The achievement was possible due to many years of efforts of Angelika Bischof-Delaloye and the final effort of Prof Dong Soo Lee. John Prior, the current liaison person with WHO, is doing an excellent work. We should invent on this connection and to be more active in the shape of WHO policy regarding Nuclear Medicine development. The participation in potential projects should be our effort. This would help the development of Nuclear Medicine in those countries presently without such a service.
International Atom Energy Agency
The cooperation with IAEA and especially with the section Nuclear Medicine is presently at very high level but can be improved further. The WFNMB should be partner of IAEA in projects around the world offering the expertise of the member states for promoting, implementations and improvement of Nuclear Medicine services in those countries
Cooperation with other specialties global societies
WFNMB should act as global representative of Nuclear Medicine and try to establish connections and cooperation with other global societies from other specialties to create a multidiscipline network and influence the use of Nuclear Medicine from colleague of other specialties. Participation of Nuclear Medicine specialist in their congresses and even a WFNMB workshop during those congresses will be of a great benefit.
Improve of the finance.
I had the honour to be Treasurer of the WFNMB for 3 years and I am convinced that there is room for improvement in increasing income. One way is to increase the number of paying member states, especially those that can contribute financially for the scopes of the Federation. The income from the Congress is also a very good source and we should improve the income from those congresses. Implementation of industry’s membership with a certain yearly fee will improve the Federation’s financial situation.
Congress history past present and future.
The world congress has 48 years of history in producing great Congresses and this tradition should be continued. The World Congress is not just a meeting but provides the possibility to promote Nuclear Medicine in the region in which will be held. It is held every 4 years and does not interfere with other established Nuclear Medicine congresses, which are normally held annually. It is also, together with the membership fees, the main source of income for the Federation. The congress should be continued but thoughts should be made about changes in the format to adapt in todays and future situation especially with the ability to use remote attendance.
The 2022 congress has an innovation “Road to Kyoto” with lectures around the world in a specific subject. This Innovation should be promoted through the next Congress 2026 in Colombia and future Congresses
Isotope production and distribution
Without the production but also the distribution of radioisotopes around the world Nuclear Medicine cannot exists. Therefore, WFNMB should play a crucial contribution to solve these problems. In particular, the WFNMB should try to find solution for the problematic distribution in small and remote countries. Lobbying with the WHO, IAEA and national governments and with big societies like SNMMI and EANM a solution should be found. A special solution should be found for the production and distribution of PET isotopes including the possible solution of the establishment of regional cyclotrons, which can serve surrounding countries.
It is well known that the combination of diagnostics and therapy is the future of Nuclear Medicine. Theragnostics should be the main field of improvement. Efforts should be made for the implementation in countries that now do not have the know-how but also the necessary peoplepower and machinery to perform it. Education but also material support should help those countries.
Promote Nuclear Medicine in small countries
One very important aspect of WFNMB is the promotion of Nuclear Medicine. A special effort should be done for small countries and countries in which Nuclear Medicine is not yet established. Cooperation with IAEA and regional Associations with the initiative to promote Nuclear Medicine with expert missions and transfer of knowledges. This should not depend on whether or not such countries are members of the Federation.
A lot of established organisations are producing guidelines regarding Nuclear Medicine procedures. WFNMB should not produce their own guidelines in order not to create more confusion. Nevertheless, the Federation should try to endorse and promote access to good quality Nuclear Medicine guidelines through its channels in the members states.
Promote WFNMB
The promotion of WFNMB is an important step for Nuclear Medicine people to be informed about the activities of the Federation. There are many ways to achieve that. The web page of the federation should be active and giving the possibility to members but also in single individual to participate in a dialog about Nuclear Medicine. The use of social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. should be used to promote the Federation. Article should be published in both international and regional journals and if necessary, in the language of the readers.
Nuclear Medicine should stay as monospeciality
It is important that the specialty of Nuclear Medicine remain independent. Of course, the close cooperation with other specialties is a must, but this could not have the interpretation that any other specialty should take over Nuclear Medicine. This effort of independent Nuclear Medicine is easier to be achieved with an excellent education and WFNMB should facilitate the possibility of knowledges transfer between member countries and societies
Women and diversity in Nuclear Medicine
In recent years there is an initiative for the promotion of women in Nuclear Medicine. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) create the Marie Curie Fellowship Programme for women. The European Association of Nuclear Medicine establish the Women Empowerment (EANM WE), represent support for women in clinical, research, and leadership positions. Women in Nuclear Medicine of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) is charged with promoting women physicians and scientists in Nuclear Medicine and molecular imaging. These projects should not be exclusively from women but the whole Nuclear Medicine community should contribute to this goal. WFNMB has to play a crucial role for this. Nuclear Medicine is at its best when using talents from the most diverse workforce
My many years of experience in positions that represented Nuclear Medicine and specifically as EANM secretary, as secretary and treasurer of section of Nuclear Medicine of UEMS but also as treasurer of WFNMB are a guarantee for my hard work and dedication to the purposes of Nuclear Medicine. I will try to promote again, this time with this other important position, the interests of Nuclear Medicine around the Globus.